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👋 ElMoghazy, a ML Geek

This is ElMoghazy's bio

ElMoghazy is a fresh graduate who started his Machine Learning journey more than three years ago. When he was an undergraduate student at the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the GUC, he part-timed as a Machine Learning contractor at Mentor graphics, a Siemens business. ElMoghazy used to write Machine Learning tutorials, one of them was considered a top kernel by Kaggle (a Google company), he also earned 6 medals (2 silver and 4 bronze) in the kernel’s category with a rank of 358th out of 100K Kaggle users. ElMoghazy also was among the regional winners of the Middle East and Africa region in the 2019th edition of Call For Code global competition. A few months ago he was accepted as a visiting student to make some research for 5 months at the MIT media lab. One of his current research interests is the use of Machine Learning for Human-Computer Interaction applications (co-authored a paper pending review)

  • Full Name : AbdElRhman ElMoghazy
  • Date of Birth: 3 June 1995
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